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encasements, Boards, video cartridges, hand-held computerizations, tables and the like. Games usually represent one of over 1000 "simulated scenarios" and are embodied in a wide range of commercially feasible ways e.g. Games of the present invention improve upon this basic primitive technique by utilization of significantly new means, methods and apparatus to achieve significantly new ends. Such games usually involve the initial setting up of a plurality of seeds in holes on two or four sides of a board and the transference of said pieces with a view toward capturing agreed-upon numerical quantities with the last piece dropped.

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The basic Vectorial game may be described as a miniature directional and formation oriented game which is based on structural behavioral and intellectual aspects represented by the Mancala family games. Accordingly, a concerted attempt must be made to expedite moves, captures and settlement transactions in order to earn the maximum Mach-1 speed-of-performance bonus at the stipulated level. Opposing players compete to maximize scores by racing against the Mach-1 time frame prescribed-rather than merely making captures. Playing pieces used are color-coded discs, chips, blocks, miniature cards, or 3-D figures and the like, which are differentiated by identifying indicia as to role, value and powers. Speed accounts for up to 50% of the values in the game. Significant emphasis is placed on what is called the MACHTHINK factor which involves the rapid and skillful setting up, certain winning positions to capture and accumulate value. Its various aspects relates particularly, to preferred embodiments of direction, formation, transference and count and capture games. Part VI: Methods of Play Rules of the Game Part III: Regular Simulation/Scenario Games Part II: The Basic Cellular "Vectorial" Game

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All in all, the various aspects of the invention, together with the standardization of play at professional levels, should lead to the local and international re-vitalization of interest in Vectorial and Mancala-like games.ĭetailed Description of the Present Invention Finally, a new and improved notation system is disclosed. boards, encasements, video-cartridges, hand-held computers and the like. Several examples illustrate a variety of simulated scenarios, utility functions, methods of play and commercially feasible embodiments e.g. Part II relates to games which evidence new and improved formats, apparatus and methods for making and playing traditional Mancala type games. This group is divided into three categories: miniature Mancala-like games, pyramidic games and tangramatic games.

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Part I of the games of the invention declares what I call Vectorial games and game-systems.

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Speed - the Mach Factor - accounts for up to 50% of the total values in the games. The essential, linking feature common to all games of the invention is the rapid qualitative and quantitative transference of pieces, as defined, within a restricted, vectorial field or matrix with a view toward establishing certain winning formations, values or results. In respect to their structural elements and behavioral dimensions these games evidence numerous improvements over the state of the art. Disclosed are two interrelated sets of adult skill-oriented games derived from Vectorial and Mancala-like intelligence.

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